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Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ

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Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 1 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 2 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 3 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 4 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 5 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 6 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 7 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 8 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 9 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 10 Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ - фото 11
Обновлено: 9 сентября 2024, 22:42 ID: 1715084
Цена по запросу
Орион, ЧП Житомир, UA
на Флагма с 23 июня 2021
Shevchuk Mila
Shevchuk Mila
менеджер по продажам


Сrack sealing machine BPM-500 is used for sealing cracks, seams and waterproofing, as well as for repair and construction works on roads with the use of bitumen-elastomeric sealing mastic. Specially designed sleeve fastening system, which significantly reduces the likelihood of its failure.
- Heating up with a diesel burner (Ecoflam, Italy)
- Pressurized heated mastic supply
- Automatic temperature control
- Electric heating system of feeding hose
- The volume of the tank: 500 л.
- Mixing system (mixer)
- Engine type: K&S /1-cylinder diesel (or equivalent)
- Heating method: indirect (oil jacket).
- Heater output: 130 Kw.
- Material hose length: 4m.
- Compressor for blowing system: available.
- Working temperature: 120°-210°C
- Warming up the mastic: no more than 2 hours.
- Fuel tank capacity: 70 l.
- Pump capacity: up to 10l/min.
- Overload protection for asphalt pump and mixer.
Additional option: hot air lance for cleaning and heating the slot before sealing.

The equipment is in a warehouse in Poland, Rzeszow

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Орион, ЧП Житомир, UA
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Shevchuk Mila
Shevchuk Mila
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Орион, ЧП Shevchuk Mila, Менеджер по продажам
Сrack sealing machine BPM500 from the manufacturer ТІСАВ
Цена по запросу ID: 1715084
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